Group Courses (In Person)

Ultrasound Guided Cryoneurolysis for Pain & Spasticity Workshop
Sunday, April 6, 2025
Tampa | Clearwater, Florida
Endorsed by the International Society for Ultrasound Guided Cryoneurolysis (ISUGC) & American Society for Post Surgical Pain (ASPSP)
*Registration Fee Includes: Course Fee, as well as breakfast and lunch
Ultrasound Guided Cryoneurolysis for Pain & Spasticity Workshop
October 5, 2025
Tampa | Clearwater, Florida
Endorsed by the International Society for Ultrasound Guided Cryoneurolysis (ISUGC) & American Society for Post Surgical Pain (ASPSP)
*Registration Fee Includes: Course Fee, as well as breakfast and lunch

Ultrasound Guided Cryoneurolysis for Pain & Spasticity Workshop
“Tailored to Your Practice Needs”
About The Course:
This 1 day intensive workshop has been developed for both novices and advanced providers who would like to either learn the basics or further advance their skills in ultrasound guided Cryoneurolysis. Participants will have up to 6 hours of hands-on ultrasound scanning on live models of different body habitus to learn and identify different sono-anatomy pertaining to targets for spasticity and pain. A pre-course reading material will be provided to minimize the didactic portion of the workshop. At the end of the workshop, you will be expected to have gained thorough knowledge and immense confidence in the use of ultrasound for cryoneurolysis.

Learning Objectives
As a result of participating in this activity, the learner will be able to:
Describe and discuss the basic principles of ultrasound
Identify normal sono-anatomy and aberrations
Scan different nerve targets for spasticity and pain management
Increase the ability to detect critical structures and improve patient safety while performing cryoneurolysis
Demonstrate needle insertion techniques for ultrasound guided cryoneurolysis, both in-plane and out-of-plane
Improve cryoneurolysis success rate and patient satisfaction
Target Audience
Anesthesiologists | Physiatrists | Neurologists | Pain Physicians| Emergency Physicians | Residents | Fellows
Competencies Being Addressed
Use of Ultrasound for Cryoneurolysis
One day Intensive Course (8 AM- 4PM)
Basics of Ultrasound: Gain, Depth, Probe selection, Scanning techniques and Needle localization
Cryoneurolysis Targets for Spasticity:
1. Lateral Pectoral Nerve
2. Thoracodorsal Nerve to Latissimus Dorsi
3. Musculocutaneous Nerve to Brachialis & Biceps Brachii
4. Radian Nerve to Brachioradialis
5. Median/Ulnar/Radial Nerves in Forearm
6. Obturator Nerve for Hip Adductors
7. Femoral Nerve branches to Quadriceps
8. Sciatic Nerve branches to Hamstrings
9. Tibial Nerve branches to Gastrocnemius/Soleus/Tibialis Posterior/Flexor Digitorum Longus
10. Tibial Nerve at ankle for intrinsic muscles of the foot
Cryoneurolysis Targets for Pain:
1. Greater Occipital Nerve
2. Suprascapular Nerve
3. Axillary Nerve
4. Intercostal Nerve
5. Ilio-inguinal Nerve
6. Genito-femoral Nerve
7. Pudendal Nerve
8. Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve
9. Anterior Femoral Cutaneous Nerve
10. Posterior Femoral Cutaneous Nerve
11. Saphenous Nerve
12. Genicular Nerves
13. Superficial Peroneal Nerve
14. Deep Peroneal Nerve
15. Sural Nerve
Needling practice | Nerve Block Simulation on Valkyrie Simulators
Live Scanning on 3 Standardized Patients and Up to 8 hours of Scanning
Techniques: In-plane and out-of- plane techniques
07:30 - Registration & Breakfast
08:00 - Basics of Ultrasound:
Gain, Depth, Probe selection, Scanning techniques and Needle localization
08:10 - Cryoneurolysis Targets for Spasticity
Lateral Pectoral Nerve, Thoracodorsal Nerve to Latissimus Dorsi, Musculocutaneous Nerve to Brachialis & Biceps Brachii, Radial Nerve to Brachioradialis, Median/Ulnar/Radial Nerves in Forearm, Obturator Nerve for Hip Adductors, Femoral Nerve branches to Quadriceps, Sciatic Nerve branches to Hamstrings, Tibial Nerve branches to Gastrocnemius/Soleus/Tibialis Posterior/Flexor Digitorum Longus, Tibial Nerve at ankle for intrinsic muscles of the foot
09:10 - Cryoneurolysis Targets for Pain
Greater Occipital Nerve, Suprascapular Nerve, Axillary Nerve, Intercostal Nerve, Ilio-inguinal Nerve, Genito-femoral Nerve, Pudendal Nerve, Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve, Anterior Femoral Cutaneous Nerve, Posterior Femoral Cutaneous Nerve, Saphenous Nerve, Genicular Nerves, Superficial Peroneal Nerve, Deep Peroneal Nerve, Sural Nerve
10:00 - Coffee Break
10:15 - Hands on Scanning: Live Models
12:15 - Lunch
13:00 - Hands on Scanning: Live Models
15:00 - Needling practice | Nerve Block Simulation on Valkyrie Phantoms
16:00 - Adjourn
Q: Who should attend?
Anesthesiologists, Pain Physicians, Thoracic Surgeons, Physical Medicine Rehabilitation Physicians, Neurologists, General Surgeons, Orthopedic Surgeons, Radiologists can benefit from attending this workshop
Q: How many CME credits are available?
Around 7-8 CME credits will be awarded
Q: How many hours of hands-on scanning is included? The workshop entails 80% hands-on training. Didactic material is sent once registered, to maximize the hands-on training part.
Q: Will there be any cadaver training? All scanning is done on live models (of different body habitus) and needling practice is done on phantoms. No cadaver training is involved.
Q: What are the training hours? 8 AM-4 PM
Q: What ultrasound machines are used for training? Training is done with the latest GE Venue GO, Sonosite LX and GE V-scan Air (handheld) ultrasound machines, offering the best image quality currently available.
Cancellations must be requested in writing via email to education@ultrasoundexperts.org. Fifty percent of the course fee is refundable if the cancellation is made more than 60 days prior to the course. No refunds will be provided for cancellations made within 60 days of the course. There are no refunds for no-shows; however, colleague substitutions are allowed without penalty for the registered course. Arun Kalava, MD, reserves the right to cancel this activity due to unforeseen circumstances, in which case the full registration fee will be refunded. Arun Kalava, MD, is not responsible for travel expenses incurred by participants in the unlikely event that this activity is canceled.